30 January, 2022

When bad things never end

Torben Bergland

Torben Bergland

When bad things never end

70% of us experience at least one traumatic event in our life time. It may be sexual, emotional, or physical abuse or violence, or something else that shakes and shatters us. We are made for safety, happiness and love, but sooner or later, we all experience hurt, harm, and death. For someone who has been traumatized, it is as if the traumatic event never ended. It continues to impact how we see ourselves and the world. In this workshop, we’ll talk about what trauma is, its consequences, and how we may ‘plug in’ to life again.

Torben is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist with a special interest in the significance of relationships and spirituality in mental health. He loves having his nieces around and when they’re not there, he stays sane by cycling, running, and skiing. He became and stayed a believer, because he craves love and goodness, but can’t explain its existence without God. And, despite all his own suffering and others in this world, he clings to the hope and dream that one day everything will be love and goodness again, when God becomes all in all. Torben can’t really play music, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying his baby grand piano when no one is around.

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