Be our theme song composer!
A special moment during the congress is when we gather together to worship God in the main sessions. It is such an amazing experience to sing together at the top of our lungs in awe and wonder of our Saviour, Jesus.
One of the songs we always look forward to singing together is the theme song, a song that will forever link our hearts and minds with AYC22.
So, we’re happy to announce that we are launching our official AYC22 Theme Song Contest to find a song that will inspire us not only during the congress but many years after.
There are so many talented and creative young people out there, and we want this to be an opportunity for you to share your gifts with the world.

Here is all you need to know to enter the AYC22 Theme Song Contest:
AYC22 Theme
The song should be based and inspired on the official congress theme: “Plug in”
Congress Purpose
AYC22 is the place to plug in to God and recharge with friends so that when you return home with a full battery, you ignite your local church with your involvement and leadership.
- Praise and worship style
- Catchy tune, easy to learn
- Not slow but lively
General Content
The song must highlight our need to “plug in” to God/Jesus and connect with others.
Congress Daily Themes
Every day, we will address the following topics linked to the general congress theme.
- Tuesday: Unplug (Opening) > God
- Wednesday: Plug & Breathe > Holy Spirit
- Thursday: Plug & Serve > Local Church/Community
- Friday: Plug & Share > Sharing Faith/Mission
- Saturday: Plug & Live > Daily Life/ Reality
The lyrics must be in English.
Files we need from you
A short description of yourself: full name, country, age and a short introduction.
The lyrics of the song (file format Word or .pdf)
The score of the song or at least the guitar chords (file format .pdf)
The song, recorded with music and voice/s (file format .mp3 or .mp4)
Please, send your song proposal to Isaac Chía by email by February 14, 2022.
Choosing the winner
The winners will be chosen by the AYC22 Steering Committee.
The first-place prize is 250 euros and the second-place prize is 150 euros. The composer of the winner AYC22 Theme Song will also get the joy of more than 2,000 youth singing the song at the congress.
The song will be available on our YouTube channel for everyone to sing afterwards.
The copyright of the two finalist songs will belong to the Inter-European and Trans-European Divisions of the SDA Church. The author of the song will always be acknowledged and his/her name will be written on the score/lyrics.

Download the Theme Song Contest Rules here: